Mother's Day 母亲节 (2023)

2023/05/15 admin 203

Mother-child relationship affects people deeply. Mother's Day is the celebration of mothers, a day of idealization of the mother-child relationship. According to the different life stages, experiences, and relationships with your mother or child/children, people may feel differently on Mother's Day. Reflecting on your feelings on this day may help you better understand yourself.

"Happy Mother's Day!"

We say happy Mother's Day to our mothers, to our friends and colleagues who are mothers. But is happiness the only feeling we have on this special day? Do you allow yourself to feel otherwise emotions?

Other than happiness, different feelings reported by people I know include excitement, looking forward, loneliness, disappointment, anger, worry, guilt, pain, sadness, apathy, appreciation, ambivalence or conflict, mixed feelings, etc. Someone told me she reconciled with her mother and let go of the years of resentment; another repaired her relationship with her son and found intimacy and warmth again. On the other hand, a woman had a big fight with her mother, once again disappointed, once again feeling hurt, coming with hope but leaving with loneliness and despair.

I had a Mother's Day mixed with happiness, surprise, guilt, and physically exhausted Mother's Day.

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除了幸福、快乐之外,从我所认识的人,包括朋友和病人那里表达的情感还有很多种,这些人有些是从做母亲的角度表达的,有些是从做子女的角度表达的。这些情感包括:兴奋、期待、孤独、失望、愤怒、担心、愧疚、痛苦、悲伤、冷淡、感恩、情感冲突矛盾、多种情感混杂......等等。也有人在母亲节这天和解,let go 多年的积怨和好如初;有人在这天和子女关系修复,重拾亲子温情;也有人在这天和母亲爆发了激烈的冲突,再一次的失望,又一次的伤害,乘兴而来,败兴而归,心里绝望又孤独。



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(All pictures come from internet)
