
2024/02/09 admin 105



最近参加White Institute (WAWI)为资深分析师所设的一个课程,其中的一片阅读文章里引用的几句话非常精辟。

Oscar Wilde: "Only superficial people who insist looking beneath the surface."

Oscar Wilde: “只有肤浅的人才坚持要看表层下面的东西。” 因为表层的东西是深层东西的显象,没有通过现象看到本质的能力才要看所谓深层的东西。治疗师就是要有通过病人的呈现出来的表面的东西和病人进行工作的能力,而不需抱怨病人不呈现深层的东西。

Sullivan: "No one has grave difficulties in living if he has a very good grasp of what is happening to him."

Sullivan: “如果人们对自己的过往有真正了解的话,在生活中就不会有特别大的困难。” 


Levenson: "The therapist knows something about the patient he does not know he knows: the patient knows something about the therapist she does not know she knows. Or, perhaps as R. D. Liaing would put it, she knows better than to know what she knows she is not supposed to know."

Levenson: (这个很绕口)“(心理)治疗师了解病人的某些方面,但他不知道自己了解:病人了解治疗师的某些方面,但病人自己不知道自己了解。或许用R. D. Liaing 的口气说就是: 她所了解的比她自己知道的要多。她不知道自己了解那些自己不应该了解的东西。” 


Kohut: "The self psychologist does not confront the patient with an "objective" reality that is supposedly more 'real' than his inner reality, but rather confirms the validity and legitimacy of the patient's own view of reality, however contrary it might be to the accepted view of reality held by most adults and the society at large."

Kohut: "自体心理学不会让病人接受一个号称比他的内在现实更“真实”的“客观”现实,而是确认并认可病人自己的现实



